Why our customers love FeelGoods Recovery Wear.
In April of 2022 I was hospitalized for a simple surgery that turned into a two-week nightmare with a collapsed lung. About 5 days in, Brenda was visiting me and saw how depressed I was. Hair a mess, stuck in an ugly hospital gown and generally feeling miserable. She left me with words of encouragement that day, but I had no clue what was about to happen next. Brenda returned the following day with a pair of pajamas. I started to explain that I couldn’t wear them, as I needed places for my chest tubes to exit to the machine, etc. Imagine my surprise to find that overnight she had created the very first pair of FeelGoods! Cute fabric, port holes in place. The nurses were so excited! They helped me into them, and I paraded around the nurse’s station- a whole new me. The psychological change was stunning. Somehow those cute PJs worked their magic, lifting my spirits and making me feel pretty again/ human again.
Who does that? Brenda does. And now she’s making them for you! So proud to be part of the reason this company exists- this product is wonderful and WILL make a difference in the lives of many patients to come! Thank you Brenda! Love, Susan
After undergoing neck surgery, the idea of wearing a hospital gown during recovery was unappealing, but fortunately, a friend recommended FeelGoods Recovery Wear pajamas. These pajamas are extremely comfortable and cozy, and even the hospital staff appreciated them. Additionally, they allow for easy access during tests and procedures while providing a good night’s sleep. I am grateful for this product and wish that everyone in long-term care and hospitals could experience the same comfort. The pajamas are made of organic cotton, which is a plus for those who are conscious about the products they use on their skin, and the design provides easy access to the surgical site without compromising modesty. Overall, wearing the pajamas felt like a luxury item rather than a hospital garment.
I have been a practicing Registered Nurse for over 40 years. I have practiced in a variety of settings including Skilled Nursing Facilities and Acute Care Hospitals, and Homes.
I am excited to tell you that the Feel Goods Recovery Gown is the first, and best revision of the Hospital Gown since its inception in the 1800’s !
Original ‘Hospital Gowns” were designed for the ease of access and convenience for the Health Care Provider, most often the Surgeon, and ancillary staff.
FeelGoods Recovery Wear gowns provide your Health care team with all the access they need while providing you with a sense of dignity and pride.
Designed by a Breast Cancer survivor who actually had to wear a standard gown for many months, this gown is amazing. I am proud to endorse FeelGoods Recovery wear.